Monday, January 23, 2012

Texfree from Pinger doesn't have free apps to download and run for minutes anymore?? Am I the only one?

Okay so I've had textfree with voice for about a month. I really like that i can make phone calls and text for free from my itouch. Its a great app, but it greatly disappointed me yesterday. Usually when my minutes were getting low I just pressed the earn free minutes bar and could download and run apps for free to earn minutes. They were usually games and such. But yesterday I went to do that and all the

Apps for free were gone (now they all have dollar signs by them and they're like subscriptions to things that you have to buy before you get minutes). I'm just wondering where

the free apps vanished to. Did pinger take that really cool aspect of textfree away or was it something I did? Is anyone else using textfree experiencing this too?

I mean it happened outta nowhere, I'm really confused. And I looked it up and there's nothing saying pinger has decided to get rid of these free apps. So what happened?? Somebody please help.Texfree from Pinger doesn't have free apps to download and run for minutes anymore?? Am I the only one?
They might be updating there system or something so they can fit more free appsTexfree from Pinger doesn't have free apps to download and run for minutes anymore?? Am I the only one?
Me too!!!

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