Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is financial crisis in capitalism an ill inherent to its mechanisms?

Is it?

Thank you in advance.

, you know,Is financial crisis in capitalism an ill inherent to its mechanisms?No. The current "ill" can be traced back to Regan and his running up the national dept and increasing government after he'd promised not to do that. We came back some under Clinton, his years ending with the dept going down and surplus in the treasury. But then Bush came and the wild spending began again, the national dept skyrocketed, and he cut taxes just when we needed more not less money coming to pay for the war.Is financial crisis in capitalism an ill inherent to its mechanisms?Yes it is.,.. the need for low points is an absolute... However, we're not living in a pure system, quite to the contrary it's been tweaked and futzed with to the point where there is no ground floor.. this is the result of dirty Pool.Is financial crisis in capitalism an ill inherent to its mechanisms?yes that's very true! because usury is parts %26amp;parcel of this financial system that feeds on fixed high rates of interest, not allowing money to regenerate itself , crippling the economy from any real constant progress!! this outcome was expected sooner or later, simply because it defies the norms of cash flow and decieves people with the illusion that loans can get them all their dreams; car, house..etc, while in reality it burdens them with financial loads that exceed their abilities!!

the normal cycle of profits %26amp;losses in business should be maintained and respected, not defied and twisted. one can't come out as a winner all the time, sometimes loses, sometimes wins..this a life fact that should be well used, not ignored to achieve quick imaginary profits!!

the american economy was living a dream of stability and now it's time to wake up to the nightmare of reality. Is financial crisis in capitalism an ill inherent to its mechanisms?
"The business cycle is a thing of the past." -- Famous Republican economist
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