Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?

By deliberately creating the housing bubble knowing it would burst? It is sure looking that way. How could SO many people not see this coming?

If so, for what reason.Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?The Fed and the bankers are corrupt enough. It allowed them to profit off of bad loans and then buy up smaller banks or get customers from all the small banks that shut down. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were corrupt enough to look the other way.Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?
Do I think they are corrupt enough? Yes, Yes they are.

Do I think they did it deliberately? No, that's where the idea of competent comes in, and I really don't think they planned it all out ahead of time. Just an orgy of corruption, with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac topping out the list.Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?I don't know -- I suspect if it is what you say it goes much deeper then those two -- I am sure the big wall street players investors and everyone else would be in cahoots too -- but being that we really have no control we can only hope that is not true -- LAWS like the recent supreme court ruling which you support don't help
Su-ure... because all the Republicans decided, "We've had enough government power. How can we get Americans to vote for Democrats despite whatever conservative media outlets might say?"Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?I think liberals needed a bad economy to get elected yes. I think though they went farther than they expected.Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?
NO, but the incompetent from Texass with the MBA from the Harvard School of Business let it happen
the reason they woud do it is called power, gives them excuse to get their gruby fingers deeper into your life.Do you think our government and the FED are corrupt enough to have set up this entire financial crisis?
If you had supported healthcare reform, you'd be getting the meds you so desperately need.
No Way. How can you tell that, you are unpatriotic.
You might be interested in reading "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" by Naomi Klein. I'll post back with a link.

"There is a clear political strategy, and has been for several decades, to exploit these moments when people are desperate for quick-fix solutions and more inclined to believe in a kind of a magical cure, to push through very, very unpopular policies that don鈥檛 actually solve the crisis at hand, that don鈥檛 actually help people, but are incredibly profitable for multinational corporations."鈥?/a>

And, in fact, it already is, because the next big bubble鈥攁nd, by the way, this idea of bubbles is intimately connected to the idea of governments who think that their role is simply to create the context for maximum profit seeking鈥擨 mean, that you just get out of the way; anything that makes money is good, even if, you know, it鈥檚 entirely divorced from the real economy, if it inflates鈥攜our GDP is still going up. And the next big bubble鈥攖hey went from dotcom to housing鈥攊s projected to be infrastructure.鈥?/a>

Personally, I wouldn't bet against Klein's theory regarding infrastructure as the next bubble. For example... the highway fund was projected to be running on a deficit by 2008. Nobody wanted to listen though because fuel prices were high and "tax breaks" were the mantra. Privatization of our infrastructures has been the goal for quite some times, we just realize that the "Saudi port contracts" were merely the tip of the iceberg and a distraction.

"On the national level, the highway trust fund is about to go broke. When President Bush took office the fund had a $23 billion surplus, but it is expected to be running a deficit by next year in part because Bush killed an increase in gas taxes two years ago."

-- Following Minnesota Bridge Collapse, New Scrutiny for Nation鈥檚 Ever-Privatizing Roads鈥?/a>

-- The Highwaymen: Why you could soon be paying Wall Street investors, Australian bankers, and Spanish builders for the privilege of driving on American roads鈥?/a>
No Grandma
HELL YEAH !!!!!!

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