Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have?

No. The financial slowdown (which I'd hardly call a crisis) is mainly a result of a downturn in the housing market. Back when interest rates were really low a lot of companies made irresponsible loans to people who couldn't afford them when interest rates increased. That has nothing to do with the Iraq war, which has only cost about 1% of the GDP.Is the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have?Yes. No doubt. We went to war and then cut taxes. First time in history this was done. In all other wars taxes was raised to pay for the war. Then the oil companies used the turmoil to raise the profit margin on a barrel of oil to the highest in history.Plus the oil companies were also given the largest tax breaks in history. Add up all these history making items and you will see why we are going to have the worst recession in history before long.Is the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have?
Partially. But don't forget all those people who failed to use common sense, failed grade school math and opted for Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Don't forget all those illegals sponging off our society, demanding even more. And they send $30,000,000,000 a year back home. Don't forget all those Filipinos and others that bring their aging parents here, who then get SOCIAL SECURITY, and return to the Philippines (or whatever country).

And, don't forget NAFTA: Ross Perot warned the U.S. that if it passed, there would be "...the giant sucking sound of jobs going south..." not to mention to Russia, India, and the Philippines!

Don't forget all of you who are irresponsible, charge a lot on your credit cards and then expect to file bankruptcy, keep your stuff, and start over.Is the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have?It sure as hel1 isn't helping. Imagine 12 billon dollars back into the economy every month, and that is just for the regular operations. Not the extra for the surge. Not the billons lost on the health care of vets.

If you total up the hundreds of billons of dollars we have spent on the war, act as if that money were never part of the budget, and just in one day say o.k we are going to spend 300 billon on curing cancer. The medical community would beat a path to be the first to find that cure to get their hands on that money. Then we would save billons on health care costs in this country. Health care, oil, war have ravaged this nation.

We just do not have a sense of priority anymore. We like to patch things when the break instead of fixing them. We make ethanol for gasoline. When ethanol takes more energy to make than it produces. We come up with drugs and treatments for disease so medical companies can keep the money train rolling. Health issues cost the economy over a hundred billon dollars a year.

My dad used to say to me, there never is time to do somethig right, but there is always time to do it again ( when you mess it up) We just keep throwing money at problems hoping they will go away
No blame the greedy banking and financial sector who cut their own throats by making funky loans to people they knew wouldn't be able to pay when they upped the interest rates.Is the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have? cant cut taxes then borrow money to finance a warIs the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have?

What ever happened to taking "personal responsibility" ? When you get pulled over by a Law Enforcement Officer, "ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE!"

Should a person being charged with Intoxication Manslaughter be able to blame their IGNORANCE on someone else??

I feel the the people that "bought into" the Variable Rate Mortgage, Zero Down, etc., scams are just as guilty as the Lenders/Mortgage Brokers.

I feel like the Lenders/Mortgage Brokers should have their license and livelihood taken away - kind of like Bill being impeached and losing his law license.

NO Socialist/Communist/Liberal Government Handouts for able bodies people that do not want to work !!!

I have NOTHING against helping the elderly and the young.

I DO have a problem SUPPORTING the able-bodied people that do NOT want to get off of their butts and EARN an honest living - instead of "leeching" off of hard working citizens.

Just realize ... that those of us that ACTUALLY have to work for a living, are getting tired of PAYING for the Democrats idea of HELPING.

Shouldn't MANDATORY Urine Tests be REQUIRED of people that are requesting "government handouts"?

IF you are on LEGAL prescription drugs, then you will not have a problem proving it !!

Absolutely. Mideast conflict= high oil prices = high gas = devalued $$= competition from Asia= even higher oil prices, gas prices= terrible U.S. economy.Is the war in Iraq responsible for the financial crisis we have?
Although the war might cause the overall price of oil to increase, and therefor the price of everything else that is delivered on vehicles that use oil to get it there, the war itself is only costing no more than 1% of america's income which is equivalent to the amount that we spend on welfare. There is another 98% of america's money that is spent on other things besides the war and welfare. The politicians are lining their pockets and the pockets of their friends. giving away taxpayer money to stock market companies like bear stearns, and airline companies to bail them out when they no longer are able to manage their own business. Therefor our financial crisis is caused by our own governments inability to properly oversee how business are behaving and the corruption occuring which ultimately drives prices up and costs all of us more.

When we have politicians using escort services on the governments credit cards then you know they arent looking to closely, even at their own books. To think our country used to be run by the mafia. At least they were honorable crooks.

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