Saturday, February 18, 2012

Does anyone else hope that this financial crisis escalates to another Great Depression?

where people will have to go hungry because the realities of the instability of capitalism become more and more clear? i mean they try to give us the illusion that we have freedom, but when we've lost everything, we'll know of the failure of what this global system is

i hope it happens soon|||There you go...see capitalism isn't the was the government interference that made the Fanny Mae problem get worse...

In actually it wasn't capitalism that caused our huge depression, it was government over-stepping it's reaches to get more control of our financial situation and economy...

Capitalism is about freedom of choice...

Socialism is about everyone get's paid the same, work quality goes down, freedom's go down, healthcare goes down...

Look at the history in other nations....Money is a solid motivator for great inventions, good working habits...

No system is perfect...but Capitalism is the best way towards freedom...where someone can migrate from another nation, work hard, and create a better world for their children...

That ladies and gentlemen is the American Dream...

Not about being filthy rich or being corrupt, but about having a good home for your family, to be able to work hard, and get paid more than those who barely work...

Socialism lead's to everyone caring to work less, because no matter how good a worker you are, you get paid same as some who does half-assed job...

Look at the comparrison of quality of senior health care in America, vs socialized nations...We provide faster and better health care than any other social nation...Because how they cut costs?

They strictly limit paying money to healthcare for seniors..

And in canada if you got money and need some big procedure, it's against the law to be able to pay for some private care...

Do we really want to have horrible health care at that priice?|||Yeah, Rush Windbag and ALL the republicans!|||No, not all of us hate America. There are plenty of socialist countries you can go to, I don't see you leaving though.|||Yeah, it's my dream to see millions of people suffer because of the government bleeding us dry. NOT.|||Be careful what you wish for...

And if you weren't alive during the last one, you can't possibly know if you'd like one or not...

Eating is a good thing!!!|||I hope that does happen, as long as a democratic government pulls us out.

~Evie|||we americans never learn the lessons of history so I want to see socialistic liberal douche bags starving to death on the side of the roads waiting the great american government to come take care of them.|||obama, bush, whatever. it doesn't make any difference. they all work for the same people. the banks are making us slaves. they steal our money and then charge us to borrow it back. and they say madoff is a crook. the ones that need to be in jail is our politicians, the head of the fed, and most of wall street. maybe a huge crash would wake people up but i think they will show us just a glimmer of hope to keep the masses in line.|||you are very shallow in your thinking ... why?|||to hope that my fellow Americans go hungry and live on the street shows how shallow are you.

I would never want people to suffer just to prove myself right. NEVER!

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