Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why can't we just stop the current financial crisis?

I mean money, shares, stock markets, the dow are all human inventions right? It's not like we are fighting a force of nature that we have no control over such as a hurricane or an asteroid. So why not as humans we just come to a global collective agreement that no one loses or gains money and just adjust the stock markets to a good level where everything is fine again?

I know this is a stupid question but is it really? I mean if they did this is 1929 nothing would have happened and everyone would have been a lot happier. : )Why can't we just stop the current financial crisis?brilliant solution, I like it's simplicity.Why can't we just stop the current financial crisis?A HUGE part of the problem is that houses lost a lot of value. Someone may have bought a house in 2005 for $800,000. Now no one will pay more than $4000,000 for said house. If the owner took out a normal mortgage then they at least have some equity and can continue paying mortgage payments. But many people got sub-prime loans, such as interest-only loans so they have no equity, which were also ARMS so the mortgage payments could rise to be unpayable. A lot of people thus could not pay their mortgage, had no equity, and couldn't sell their house without losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, so they foreclosed. That meant that the bank took on that house, which they now have to sell at a loss. Since that happened on such a large scale, banks didn't have enough money to cover all of their accounts so they went out of business.

You can't just decide globally to change prices. Since this crisis stems from mortgages, you can't just say houses should be at 2006 prices. No one will want to buy them. What you have to understand about stocks, too, is that a stock is partial ownership of a company. If a company loses money, the stock is worth less. You can't just force the stock market to a "good level." What is bad for one person is good for another. You might lose money on a stock, and sell it. I will buy it at that low price and make money after it goes up in price.Why can't we just stop the current financial crisis?OMG .... I think what your smoking is illegal .... in a fantasy world (THC or LSD induced) one could have such a world ... but not in our complex financial markets ... and when did you think more than a few people could agree upon anything?

Now ... being nice and playing nice ... thinking along those convoluted thoughts you have ... I would vote for you as President ... because that would mean I just didn't lose a truck load of money from the market instability ... but I am old and pretty much living in the real world were everything is to freaking complex ... but nice thought anyway :)

It seems like you have a good heart wanting all this for the world .....Why can't we just stop the current financial crisis?
What your advocating is called socialism, and it will never happen because you will stop the rich from making money. They will not allow that to happen.

The problem has been caused because the price of housing has been pushed up out of all proportion to the real value of homes by speculators. The market has crashed, and housing might just become affordable to ordinary working families, the big losers are the speculators.

Don't believe all the doom and gloom, every story has an upside, speculators loosing money and housing becoming affordable, I think many people would think that is a good thing.

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