Thursday, February 2, 2012

Non-Americans: how is your economy going with the American financial crisis?

And where are you from? I am Australian, and thankfully here it looks like we will be basically OK and our economy is in pretty good shape. I believe Britain is doing it tough?Non-Americans: how is your economy going with the American financial crisis?I'm Canadian. All this mess in the USA has led to fluctuating and ridiculous gas gouging here too. In fact gas shot up a week before the hurricane even hit Texas and now it's back to lower than it was even before it it's insane.

Of course everyone used all the mess in the USA to up the cost of everything...FOOD especially....again most took advantage of the opportunity and I doubt it was really that huge a necessity.

I'll never understand why we don't see our own produce on the shelves...all the gross vegetables and fuits we have in the stores come from America and other countries, most of whom don't even have any kind of regulations on pesticides or food handling etc. and we've seen the consequences of that (death) a lot lately. It's picked unripened, it rots before it ripens and tastes horrible. It just looks diseased, kind of like the days when I'd shop in Mexico on their street markets (sorry know we love you guys).

We have strict regulations and I refuse to buy food at superstores but go to local mom and pop shops who buy produce from our local farmers. It's a hassle but I'm willing to do it and support my country and its citizens. I wish more people would complain and do that.

Economically we're doing good. We have healthcare, our educational system is great. People have jobs who want jobs, but it's expensive now that's for sure and it's all directly linked to these world problems caused by oil and I believe due to the problems America has with the middle east.

We will never have the corruption the USA does, because our government simply isn't set up that way...I mean our government actually HAS a set up, unlike the USA where it seems like the only action happening was the lining of pockets of the elite rich.

I feel sorry for middle and low income workers of America. They've been getting the shaft forever. I'm just surprised at how delusion they've been up until now claiming that everything's okay when it's been clear to many of us that it's far from okay. I guess the axe needed to fall. You can try to help and warn people all you want but some just need to learn lessons the hard way.Non-Americans: how is your economy going with the American financial crisis?Here in Israel we still have our free health care.Non-Americans: how is your economy going with the American financial crisis?The jokers in Washington and Wall Street are bankrupting the country . good luck to all Americans.

Try our guillotine!

By the way I'm french.Non-Americans: how is your economy going with the American financial crisis?
I'm an American living in Italy and from what I've seen on the news they talk about the economy but I feel as if it's not really something everyone has on their minds here. There is more news coverage and attention on the election than the economic meltdown going on there.

But the economy in general seems to be suffering very little since the last 2 weeks of turmoil.

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