Thursday, February 2, 2012

In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?

In addition, do you believe that the presidential election will come down to a "race" issue, or will the election be swayed by the impact of the economy? Please explain why.

In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?I honestly believe neither candidate has a really good stance on the economy right now with these hard times staring us down. McCain doesnt really plan on changing much but wants to create new jobs,that wont happen right away. Obama wants to tax the rich and corporations to death which will take alot of money out of the only hands that have any at this point, we will also lose jobs because the rich and the corporations will need to start saving their money as well. Of course he will give the middle class $1000 tax breaks, but most will be using that to catch up on what they are already behind on, not going to stimulate much.

The only thing I can go on right now is experience. I'm terrified of putting someone in office that doesnt know what they are doing right now. We need someone with judgement and foresight. I dont think thats Obama. He rarely makes a stance, and when he does, he has to change them in a few weeks. And then instead of fessing up to a mistake, he tries to talk his way out of it. I just dont trust him.

It has nothing to do with his race. In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?
Obama he plans to help the economy form the bottom up rather than the republican approach with means that the economy will be helped from the top down. Meaning tax cuts to businesses (hoping that they stay local but with no guarantee) and tax cuts to the rich. Obama's plan leans to help the poor and middle class by creating more jobs and cutting taxes to the middle class so that they have more money to support their children's education in an effort to stimulate economic growth within the economy. In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?Obama's plan is the make new energy sector jobs at a technician and skilled trade level. He also wants to drastically lower taxes for people who make little to no income (i.e. senior citizens). He also plans on raising income taxes on the wealthiest of the nation. He's plan is fairly standard democratic. No surprise, no big deal. McCain basically wants to continue the Bush trend of taxation, and further decrease corporate tax on top of that. He also wants to create jobs for the highly educated in the energy sector.

However, I think the difference is really seen in the reaction to current conditions. Obama knows the bailout is needed, but also is saying that it must be very carefully implemented. McCain wanted basically any bailout to go through this weekend to take responsibility for it. Now Obama wants to raise the insurance from $100,000 to $250,000. I think he's showing that if nothing else, he knows who to listen to.


Both pale to the Clinton era economics. Let's face it Clinton led the country into some of the best economic times it had ever seen.
Obama. This morning he is calling for increasing the FDIC insurance limit to $250.000 instead of the existing 100.000 which was put into place 28 years ago and didn't count for inflation. This would certainly ease alot of people's minds regarding their retirement.

I think the economy is and will play a major roll. Advantage Obama.

I do sadly think that the McCain Campaign will resort to race. As they have nothing else.In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?Its too late for either to have much of an impact. Yesterday was our last, best chance, and Congress fumbled it, led by that snotty menopausal witch, Pelosi.

We will have double digit unemployment and financial collapse by Christmas.

30 years of trade deficit, imported oil, and the fact that the first of the baby boomers hit 62 this year suggest that this may be the one we don't recover from.

Obama? McCain? Doesn't matter. They are no longer relevant.

In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?
I favor Obama and have since the debate early on where he listed the problems with Hillary Clinton's health care plan. He seems to understand the real world and her plan did not cover the very people that needed to be covered most without making them pay which seems like another huge paperwork program.

After watching him for a while I felt he really has the brains and perspective to understand issues far better than any candidate I have seen in a long time. Even though he sometimes seemed awkward in the debates he always seemed to indentify the problem correctly and see the unintended consequences. .

McCain is our Senator and it is no secret that the collapse that Arizona is hit very hard by the deregulation and people walking away with millions or going bankrupt due to over zoning and creating a phoney bubble of money that is not earned but only paper manipulation based on a market that doesn't exist. He turned our state into the local version of Overstock or Big Lots during the Keating Scandal. While he was flying off to the Bahamas with Keating, people who had invested in the Savings and Loan Keating ran, lost their savings. So I have been through this before and would never vote for McCain. His main campaign bundlers are the finance and real estate industry and they are not paying him to help the taxpayer out.
Swayed by economy, the economy is so horrible at this point people are starting to see past there racisms. Rather your going for Barack or McCain, color will do you no good.

Being black or white wont do you any good as far as paying the bills goes, so I think its gonna go to who's the best to deal with the Economy.

Me personally, I just want to quote a famous senator and a First Lady when I say, NO WAY, NO HOW, NO MCCAIN!In your opinion, who has the better plan for getting America out of this financial crisis? Obama or MCcain?
McCain, he has experience to take this country to a whole new level. He also has Palin by his side, I believe that they can do it and get us out of this bad economy. I believe that if he had the strength to get himself through the Vietnamese war. He can get us through a lot more! I also think that race may have a big impact on who gets picked, but I personally don't think it should. I really hope that people start to think about race as just a small difference in each of us, not a BIG thing! Check out my link for more info..
I dunno....I keep hearing 'crisis', but what I'm seeing is the an unregulated market working exactly as it's meant to work. If the movers and shakers of the overall economy wanted a different system, where money is made slowly, steadily and with low to moderate risk, they would have set up that kind of system. Evidently they didn't. For years we've had a 'conservatives' wet dream of a free wheeling, robber baron system where deals are cut in the dark, propaganda trumps transparency, where certain people are rewarded and a lot of other people are royally screwed. In their nicely furnished corner offices on Wall Street, well educated older white men in $1,000 suits set themselves up as people you could trust with your money, while in the back room bent nosed thugs who would be tossed out of the Mafia for dishonesty figured out bigger and better ways to cheat the public, to lie, to steal, to suborne and to launder their ill gotten gains. Old man McCain is a 'conservative' of the folks that doesn't 'believe' in regulation. Obama isn't a 'conservative' so just on points I'm going to have to vote for him. He's stated that appropriate regulation is good thing. In light of the current situation, I'd have to say he's on the right track!
Mccain by a mile! Obama still has pipe dreams about spending all this money on outlandish programs. He isn't grasping the reality of the situation we are in!

We need to cut taxes and especially spending to jump start the economy. There is no free lunch boys and girls. Just as we painfully found out there were no free houses!
McCain has the experience,has been working on this problem since late 1990s....

Obama hasn't been in politics long enough, to formulate long term plan..

Race will play a part..meaningless or not...
Obama is going to help the economy.

McCain is going to get us nuked!

Race is an issue but I believe we as americans are going to not let the Republican's help the rich anymore. Enough is enough.
I saw a poll that said Obama would be between 4-6 points higher than McCain right now because of race. He's already 8 points ahead if race weren't an issue I feel personally that he would be at least 10-12 points ahead.
Europe would vote for Obama with a margin of about 10 to 1.

Republicans in Congress should stop gambling and start fixing the problem. Not tomorrow, but today. Let's have some action.

McCain, if Obama gets elected and Botox Nancy is still speaker of the house, they will run ramshod over the Americn electorate and we will be financing more and more baby daddy drama mammas.
Obama! Obama! Obama!
Obama, he understands it more.
McCain by far. He is a man of action and not only empty words like OBamba.

And no it's not a race issue, but a monetary one.
Neither have put forth a plan.
I believe in Obama. However if he doesn't win, I think that race will have played a part.
The wealthy have run the country into the ground! What does THAT tell you? ;-)=
Honestly, neither. Neither candidate's strength is the economy. Maybe we should ditch both of these candidates and nominate Mitt Romney for president. Out of all of the candidates running for president from both parties, he has the best economic mind. The entire election will now come down to the economy and no other issue.
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