Sunday, February 5, 2012

Do you think the financial crisis will bring a return of central planning economies?

Consumer and taxpayers demands just might bring about such a thing in our lifetimes. As long as corporations and businesses are willing to, and glad to, break the law to make profits, this is inevitable.

Some laws are stupid, but most are life-saving. I want to know why aren't workers tax-deductible for businesses. Machinery and other equipment is, why not reverse this destructive dichotomy for the benefit of the country?Do you think the financial crisis will bring a return of central planning economies?Haven't you heard? Michelle Obama bought $450 sneakers; surely this means there is no more "financial crisis" in this country.Do you think the financial crisis will bring a return of central planning economies?I am sure Obama will use any possible excuse to try to go there. Or FURTHER there, since, given the Fed and WTO etc, we were already well underway.

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