Sunday, February 5, 2012

Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?

On our already bankrupt Country!

Where are all the high billions going to come from to pay for all that?

Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?he has proposed close to 1 trillion dollars in government spending!!! but somehow he is only going to tax the rich. so buisness will stop growing and the deficit will become larger as GDP shrinks. = formula for chaos!!Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?
Social Programs can be part of a responsible fiscal policy, because they help lift people out of poverty and prevent people from falling into poverty. People in the middle class pay taxes, people who are poor don't. Pick up an American History book and look up the New Deal.

The regulations put in place by FDR, to keep us from ever falling into another depression, have been shredded by the deregulators. Now we are riding that razors edge again and probably more dangerous, because we don't have the same industrial infrastructure as in the 1930s.Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?It's time our country starts doing something for their people, after all the goal of our founding fathers was to create a perfect union...this country was founded on these ideals; "for the People by The People"...I don't think they meant "for the Corporations by The Corporations"....

in case you haven't been watching, your "conservative" Bush is asking us to foot the bill for his latest screw up, 700 billion dollars to bail out the crooks who put us in this situation to begin with...anyway you look at it, the next president is going to have to be a magician to get us out of this mess...God Help us!
Like I have already been trying to tell people, I cannot afford to have any more money taken out of my paycheck. There would be no way to survive unless I cut food out from my family and now my little tiny investment is at risk and obama doesn't want to come to Washington to fight for me. Typical liberal. Just talk and just speeches.

I sure hope he can tell us where our jobs are going to come from because under his plan, forget taxpayers, Corporations will not be able to survive.Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?nope. i dont have to worry about it cuz if that happens then ill already be dead because i was stuck in line waiting for a heart transplant from a crappy doctor that got his degree in 2 months because all the good doctors left to Japan and Hong Kong because theyll be paying 80% better than what America will be paying.

people always complain about what a sh*tty job education is doing, but guess whos fault it is? the governments! think about it, teachers are paid for by the government. Doctors- will be paid for by the government. hmm. connect the dots there.Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?
Obama wants to keep OUR TAX DOLLARS HERE not send the abroad. We would have enough to take care off home had Bush not sent BILLIONS overseas. Don't you want your hard earned money to benefit America? i mean look at the past 8 years and the HOLE the republicans have dug us into. i can't believe after all that's happened anyone in their right mind could vite for 4 more years of the same CRAP!

And to all that say corporations would not be able to survive under Obama's plan: How many corporations/banks are in the hole RIGHT NOW? Are they surviving ... no becasue if the bottom 95% of americans can't afford to do biz with them where will they make their earnings?
Got a job? Take one last look at any money on it if he is elected.

You can't give tax cuts and pay the deficit. Basic math tells you that one, like balancing a checkbook...I'd hate to see some people's.

Oh, wait I might get to pay off their bad loans.Can you imagine with the financial crisis, if Obama adds all his Social Programs free for all ?
Yeah those programs and ideas that include things like alternative energy to stop the Billions we pay for Oil, ending the war in Iraq where we are spending Billions every month ... Those are all bad ideas. We should just sit on our hands and look out the window
Darn those people who are only making minimum wage, and still have to find a way to provide for themselves and their families. With gas and food prices, and insurance at an all time high I wonder why they need any help.
I think we should worry about getting out of the mess the Republicans got us into. Like they say, it cant get any worse. When Oboma is pres. things will automatically get better than they are under Bush and Cheney and friends.
Funny you should ask this question. It has been George Bush and John McCain that has wanted to privatize social security. Make people invest in this same stock market and securities that have failed.
Less than McCains 100 years of war. Besides, Obama already said many of his programs would have to be put on hold because of the economic crises caused by Bush and the Republicans.
But its happening under Bush Watch instead. If you can't see the current financial crisis which Obama has nothing to do with, then you are simply not that informed.
I think the $10B/month that McSame will continue spending in Iraq will cover the social programs - the only difference is we actually get something for our money and employee Americans.
Well by then he will have to because everyone will be out of work due to Bush.
Only the very wealthy- look at the TRILLIONS in debt that their party racked up
were are the billions for company bailouts and iraq going to come from?
ABCDEFG and right now things aren't chaotic? What is the economy strong? Are you serious?
Don't count on anything he says
China will own us free an clean then.
Lets face it , our country is run by Crooks!

One more crooked than the other!
what about bush's 700 billion bail out?? where we gettin the 700 bill??

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