Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?

greedy bankers as well as greedy public.Is the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?America, the UK, Germany, and a load of other bankers combined with politicians passing laws to allow the skulduggery, and those buying up oil futures until prices caused us to all but starve at the petrol pump.

And as said above, a good many of consumers being greedy for far more than could be afforded.

The spider to the fly syndrome, the financial word spun the web and the people with little sense of what they could afford got stuck in it.

Blast the lot!Is the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?

We've all had it too good too long.

Now it's payback time...

That's what happens when financial institutions control the country.Is the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?For some reason bankers changed from being conservative people who only lent money to people who didn't need it (i.e. they had full security cover for the loan), to lunatics who'd lend money to any idiot, whether they had real security to guarantee the loan or not. The answer to this question is the one I'd like to hear.

Maybe greed was the motivation, but I think it is more.
yes , and greedy british one's german one's and so on , and then the stupid people who borrow beyond there means , and then whine when things go bottom up.Is the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?

YES but English bankers to merchant bankers = merchant*ankersIs the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?
Well. The collective noun for bankers is a "wunch". As in, "a wunch of bankers".

It is trickle down and trickle up loan sharking.Is the world financial crisis a result of greedy American bankers?
Its no different than it has always been, the one thing different is publication, it is more so published in the paper on the news in television shows it publicized more now than ever. the rich get richer and poor stay poor.
while it might nice to be able to lay blame on one group of people .. I think we need to all accept a degree of responsibility ...

we currently live in a world where keeping up with the Jones' is a life-style ..we all need the Biggest, the newest, the most expensive.. the brightest.. and the way most of us get it is by credit.....


we have bigger houses , smaller families

we eat more , we cook less

we spend more, we save less

I think we need to step back and do things more simply.... and less extravagantly...
Greedy American bankers have always existed in abundance, but something like this has not happened in almost 80 years. Usually they take risky gambles independently so their losses are compensated for by gains of others, so the do not hurt the economy. This time the all joined hands and jumped off of a cliff together so the real cause is the yet to be identified distortion in the economy that made home mortgages seem like the best investment available not only on wall street but to a lot of banks all around the world, and credit risk swaps Irresistable.
Not just them. What we are seeing is a three generational pattern in peoples perception of risk and the difference between investment and speculation. We're not going to be able to prevent recurrence until we understand that we regulate the previous disaster, not the oncoming one. What happens is that when the dust settles, things level off and people get used to whatever the new normal is, savvy people begin investing again. But, investment involves risk. Over time those who take the greatest risks will be the ones rewarded, until the line between investment and risk becomes blurred again. In the meantime the regulators will control the h**l out of the mortgage and financial instrument field. The result is those inclined to take heavy risks to get ahead will search until they find some new field that seems to give the opportunity for quick, easy profits. Some bright laddie will invent a rationale that will explain how what they are doing is "different and no disaster could happen again." Then we'll be off to the races again.

It seems to be a three generational pattern. Apparently that's about how long it takes for the wisdom of those who went through it to fail to be accurately passed on to the younger generation.

I think the original 60 year cycle was tied to the solar cycle and crop failures in an agrarian society that actually determined the length of generations. I am speaking of those with money, a subset of the genetic generation definition.

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